Submit your proposal
Given the current sociopolitical context in the United States and internationally that includes the fight for reproductive freedom, unprecedented and catastrophic changes in our global climate, historic and contemporary predominance of displaced and in-flight populations, and the rise of totalitarian regimes, we envision a groundbreaking Console-ing Passions conference held June 20-22, 2024 at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, that will catalyze conversations that matter among its community members. To this end, the conference theme for Console-ing Passions 2024 is: Forging Social Justice.
The 2024 Conference Organizing Committee at Indiana University invites proposals for individual papers and pre-constituted panels that consider the conference theme of Forging Social Justice and any other aspects of television, video, audio, or new media through an intersectional lens including gender, sexuality, race, and/or other systems of inequality.
Proposal guidelines
Participants may submit: one paper (individual) or be part of a pre-constituted panel.
- Individual Papers: Individuals submitting paper proposals should provide a title, an abstract of 250 words, a short bio, and contact information. Co-authored papers are acceptable.
- Panels: Panel coordinators should submit a title and a 250-word rationale for the pre-constituted panel as a whole, as well as a title, a 250-word abstract, a short bio, and contact information for each panel participant. Panels may include 3-4 papers. Co-authored papers are acceptable. Panels that include a diversity of panelist affiliations and experience levels are strongly encouraged.
- Other: If you have an idea for a proposal that does not fit into an individual paper or pre-constituted panel presentation, please email your proposal director to Brenda Weber.
Stay in touch
Please direct any questions about the conference and/or the submission process to the conference organizers, Brenda Weber, Megan Connor, and Beaudelaine Pierre.
Follow updates on Twitter using our hashtag #CPBloom and bookmark the conference website for updates about events, schedules, travel information, and more.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Bloomington in June 2024!